Thursday, December 6, 2012

Write it down. Make it a reality.

It was close to my birthday last year and Ill never forget that moment I had with my dad as we sat in our kayaks on Mobile Bay. Life was about to get a little more complicated. Justin hated his job. He hasn't happy, which in turn didn't make me happy, the company was moving in a different direction and we had no control over it. My dad looked at me and said "Where do you want to be a year from now? Write it down and move towards that goal. You are the only one in control of your life and the decisions you make. If you want something, you have to make it happen. Don't waste life. Do something you love and you will never have to work again."

Well, in 2011- We looked at each other and said we wanted it all. I wanted to be able to stay at home with Connor, work from home, go to the gym when I felt like it, come and go as I pleased. Justin wanted to run a successful gym, to get from behind the desk of a 7-5'er and get back under the bar as a trainer full time. He wanted to be able to make money by doing something he loved and to be able to spend time with his family when he wanted. I mean, that isn't too much to ask right?
But there we were, Justin working 7-5 then going to the gym and not getting home til 8 or 9. Me working part-time. Neither of us doing what we wanted to do. Not even close.

Much of 2012 was spent in the unknown. What was the next paycheck going to be? When was I going to get a full time job? What time was Justin getting home from work? What kind of mood would we all be in? When was everything just going to finally crumble?

Then in May- it took everything falling apart for everything to finally come together. After a very relaxing (and free!) vacation to Orlando to visit Mickey Mouse, family and friends,  Justin came back to work to be told he would be going part time. So he did what any person would do...He quit. AND I FREAKED OUT!
He went to go work for minimum wage at a supplement store. I found a 8-5 job as a receptionist making just enough to pay some bills. Needless to say it was far from what I had dreamed for my life. In fact, it was the complete opposite of what I had said I had wanted. But then an opportunity presented itself and we took the leap. And there on a hot August day..close to a year after my dad and I had that talk on the bay, the phone call came in. It was as close to the lottery as we could get. Justin was offered a head training position at one of the most well established Crossfit gyms in Atlanta on top of the chance to work with the Garage Games Series.

It was happening. Everything we ever wanted was happening. We wake up every morning, without an alarm. We put on workout clothes. We go to the to work out, him to work. But I guess it isn't technically work when you love it so much right? I work for one of the most amazing baseball academy's in the area....and I get to work from home. I mean, I am finally working in sports and doing something that I want to do. How awesome is that?!?! I get to spend much needed time with Big C AND work. We get to spend afternoons together, go shopping, play video games... or whatever! Neither of us battle traffic. Neither of us rush. We both go into work at night, but only for an hour or two, then we get to come home and spend more time together. We have found an amazing church and have the opportunity to listen to Andy Stanley each and every week. Life is just all around amazing...and we get to live it! If you would have told me a year ago that I would finally have everything I have ever wanted, I would have laughed in your face! But here I am...just living the dream.

So, what is it that you really want to do? Write it down and make it a reality.