Monday, November 11, 2013

Road to Recovery and maybe a Front Squat or Two.

Pretty limited on what I can do at this point. But I am not going to let it slow me down!

I started the Russian Back Squat Program, but turned it into the Front Squat Program. I can't twist my arm around on the bar, but holding it in a rack position doesn't bother.

Today was Day #1

2 X 6 @ 165#

This wasn't too bad. After the 3rd set I didn't feel as tight as the first 2. 165# is relatively easy considering I would do EMOM's with 175#.

Shoulder Rehab
Tim suggested I do presses with kettlebell's hanging from the bar either in bench or strict press.  I tried strict press and I couldn't barely move the bar my shoulder hurt so bad. I got the bench out and I started with a 35# bar and .5pd on each side, but could only get 4 reps in. Looks like I have more work to do than I thought.

7 x 4 @15# and .5pd on each side.
First set was pretty rough, mainly because I am not used to it. But by the 2nd set I was able to maintain control of the bar.

As far as my shoulder hurting, none of these actual movements irritated it.

After it was all said and done, I rowed 2K at a 65% pace. Stayed between a 2:20-2:25 pace. Not as consistent as I wanted. Still felt good.