Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday Funday

So the first part of the workout was 20 squat snatches for time. But because of my shoulder, I for- go'ed that one. 

The second part was 15 Squat Snatches for time at 115# rest 4 minutes- 3 Rounds. 

The first set wasn't so bad. The second set was just god awful. I was on my toes several times, rounded by back...ugly! 
The last set I got a belt to help and I felt a lot better! Quads didn't really hurt at all. 

Last part of the day was 100 lunges at 65#. Holy glute muscles! I broke them up in 10's. I just couldn't do anymore than that it one time. The last 40 were the hardest. Took me longer, rested longer. 

24 hours later, my butt is rocked! 

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