Thursday, October 10, 2013

Two-fer again

I'm so bad at writing this stuff down. I just still haven't gotten used to it. 

Tuesday I did a Regional workout
Deadlift 205#
Box jump 24"

So at Regionals, the time cap for this was 8 minutes. I definitely didn't make that however, there were 4 people in our region that didn't make the time cap either and I beat their time. That was a pretty good feeling. 
Physically- I'm wrecked. Hamstrings, lower back. It's terrible. I need to learn to really sit my butt down doing heavy deadlifts vs using my back. 


6- 400m, rest 2 minutes between runs.
1- 2:09
2- 2:07
3- 2:03
4- 1:55
5- 1:57
6- 1:58

Can we say improvement! I've never run a 400 in under 2:00. EVER! 

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